Best Hand Tools For Automotive

Article by Mark Trotta

Over the last 40 years, I've accumulated more tools than I have space for, and every year I keep needing and buying more. Most of them are American-made, but quality tools are quality tools, regardless of where they're from.

tools needed for automotive repair

Popular Tool Brands

Most popular brands are no longer "lone" companies, and have become part of a larger corporate family. Every year, tool companies are buying and selling other tool companies.

Stanley Works merged with Black and Decker in 2010, and is now called Stanley/Black and Decker. Their home base is New Britain, Connecticut, and they are a Fortune 500 American company. The company also includes Porter Cable and Dewalt.

Bosch owns Dremel, Vermont-American, and others.

DeWalt tools are made in multiple countries, including United States, Mexico, Brazil, China, Italy, Czech Republic, and the United Kingdom.

Snap-On owns Blue Point, Sioux, Williams Tools, and others. Ideal now owns S-K Tools.


Tools Made in USA

For decades, American-made tools were considered to be among the best in the world. Many European tools are also top quality, but when manufacturing costs rose, cheap inferior ones started flooding the market.

NOTE: There is a difference between 'Made In USA' and 'Based In USA'.



In 1964, John Bondhus began manufacturing the original Balldriver ball end hex tool. Since then, many other innovative products have followed.

Bondhus T handles

Bondhus Ball, Hex, and TORX tools are made at their Minnesota manufacturing facility, just across the street from the Mississippi River. Whether it be for automotive, bicycles, or guitars--all of their products are guaranteed for life!


Carlyle Tools

Around 2012, NAPA auto parts stores started carrying Carlyle hand tools as their exclusive house brand, which means you won't easily find them elsewhere. Although the majority are Taiwan made, some of them are made in America.

carlyle hand tools made in usa

With the exception of torque wrenches, all Carlyle tool products carry a lifetime warranty.


Craftsman Tools

Before acquiring the Craftsman brand in the 1920's, a handful of Sears executives worried that mechanics would not want or buy shiny chrome wrenches. Apparently, their fears were unfounded.

best hand tools for automotive

Once 100% USA-made, Craftsman is now a mix of U.S. and imported. They were originally an exclusive Sears brand, made by several manufacturers, including Danaher Tool Group, who also manufacture tools for Matco, Allen, K-D Tools and GearWrench.

best hand tools made in USA

In 2010, Sears sold off the Craftsman tool line to the Black and Decker group, which continued the hassle-free replacement warranty policy.


Mac and Proto

Mac Tools are predominantly USA made with very few import items. They were acquired by Stanley Works in 1980. In 1984, Stanley Works purchased Proto from Ingersoll Rand and it became Stanley Proto. In some cases, a Proto item will be near or completely identical to a Mac item in all but color and price.

Proto ratcheting wrench

Blackhawk is Proto’s budget industrial line and they offer many U.S. made tools.


Martin Tools

Based in Arlington, Texas, Martin Tool and Forge has been a family owned business since 1917. All Martin products are U.S. made with the highest quality materials and engineering. Automotive specialty tools include hammers, dollies, and spoons.

American made tools


S-K Tools

S-K Tools is another old American tool company. Up into the 1980's they were sold at many auto parts stores. In 1985, S-K became part of Facom Tool. They were nearly out of business, but came back after being purchased by Ideal in 2010.

best hand tools for automotive

Most Snap-On and Matco tools are still made in the U.S., although no longer 100%.

Snap-On box end wrench


Tekton Tools

Although largely internet based, Tekton does sell in a few brick and mortar stores as well. They also have a good selection of shallow and deep impact sockets.

best hand tools for automotive repair and restoration

Although they are a U.S. based company, a large part of their selection is sourced from Taiwan.


Vaughn Tools

Many modern hammer designs in use today were originally introduced by Vaughan Manufacturing, who have been around for over 135 years.

hand tools made in USA

Located in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, manufacture of a Vaughan hammer starts with U.S. made, high carbon steel. They are made with an attention to detail that is exceptional.


Williams Tools

Williams Tool was acquired by Snap-On a few years back and now they're technically Williams Tool Group, and operates as Snap-On's industrial tool division. Be aware that there are two Williams lines - one is U.S. made, while the other is Taiwan-sourced.

Williams Superwrench box end wrench

Shown above is a Williams box-end "Superwrench", and perhaps it is, because this one has been in use since the 1970's.


Wright Tools

Ohio-based Wright Tool is a privately owned company that focuses on the industrial market. They produce high quality tools.

Wright Tool doesn't have as many items in their line up as other companies (like auto specialty tools), but they are 100% made in the USA with U.S. steel.


Other tool companies that manufacture in the USA include Channelock, Chapman Tools, Eklind Tool Company, Estwing, Park Tool, Snyder, and Stiletto Tool.

Armstrong is known for their very unique looking ratchets, which are of excellent quality. However, they can be hard to find. Fastenal is one place that sells them.

Cornwell hand tools are mostly U.S. made.

Klein Tool has been manufacturing tools in America since 1857.


Japanese Hand Tools

In 1995, Japan-Industrial brand DEEN began offering tools, and are one of the best-known brands in Japan. Other brands include Asahi, Fujiya, Kyoto, Koken, Keiba, and Vessel. Kokon is sometimes referred to as the "Japanese Snap-On".

What is a JIS Screwdriver?

At quick glance, they look like just another Phillips screwdriver, but they're not. JIS stands for "Japanese industrial standard", and JIS screwdrivers are designed to be used on Japanese products and vehicles.

what is a JSS screwdriver

Read: What Is A JIS Screwdriver?


Taiwan Tools

Today, some of the Pacific Rim manufacturers are stepping up quality and producing a quality product at a reasonable price. For instance, Taiwan-made GearWrench and Kobalt are a good tool for the money.

Hand Tools Needed For Automotive Repair

Here's some links to basic hand tools for automotive repair and restoration:

  • Screwdriver Set (Shop)
  • Box End/Open End Wrenches from 1/4" to 1" (Shop)
  • Combination Wrenches 7/16" to 1" (Shop)
  • Combination Wrenches in Metric (Shop)
tools needed for old car restoration

Best Brand Pliers

Founded in 1886, Channellock still manufactures pliers and other hand tools in the U.S.A. (Meadville, Pennsylvania).

Channellock GS3 groove joint pliers

I bought this trio of Channellock pliers over 30 years ago. The set (part # GS3) includes 12", 9.5", and 6.5" slip-joint pliers. All three sizes see constant use, not only in my garage, but around the house and yard as well.

Shop: Channel Lock Pliers 3-Piece Set

Misc Hand Tools

  • Needle-Nose Pliers, several different lengths (Shop)
  • Allen Keys (hex wrenches), metric and standard (Shop)
  • Vice-Grips, several different sizes (Shop)
  • Hammers (Shop)
  • Pry Bars (12" to 18") (Shop)

Flare Nut Wrenches

To prevent stripped nuts on power steering hoses and transmission lines, flare-nut wrenches should be used to loosen and tighten the ends. An open end wrench can be used to speed up the process in between loosening and tightening.


What Are Whitworth Tools?

Japanese and European cars use metric tools, American-made cars used fractional tools until the 1980's (and then metric), and vintage British cars and motorcycles use Whitworth tools.

positive ground cars

Whitworth is not a tool brand, it is a tool sizing, and can be difficult to identify. These are often confused for, and not the same as, fractional or metric sizes.

King Dick socket set

Read: What Are Whitworth Tools?


Hand Tool Use and Abuse

You should care for your tools and properly use them. I have broken more tools than I care to admit, but admittedly from misuse and frustration.


In my 40 years of working on cars and motorcycles, I've had to warranty two tools. The first time was many years ago--a Sears Craftsman ratchet, which I admittedly mis-used. I drove to the local Sears store and it was exchanged no hassle.

The second time was several years ago--one purchased from Harbor Fright. Unless it's an emergency, I will not buy from them again.

Good vs Cheap

Always buy the best hand tools you can afford - they reduce fatigue, are less likely to break, and will last a lifetime. Quality tools will be kept and used for generations to come.


"Good tools, as a rule, don't wear out, and good secondhand tools are much better than inferior new ones." - Robert Pirsig, Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance


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