Drum Brake Tools
Article by Mark Trotta
Many of you have probably worked on disc brakes before, but may have never worked on drum brakes. Several specialty tools are required, not only to do the job, but to do the job safely. This article covers tools needed to service automotive drum brakes.

Safety First
Years ago, I worked with a mechanic who lost his right eye replacing brake shoes. He wasn't wearing eye protection and a brake spring popped out. Twenty years has passed since that happened, but I never forget to wear safety glasses every time I go near drum brakes.
Brake Spring Pliers
Trying to use needle-nose pliers or vice-grips to remove and install brake springs is dangerous. Brake spring pliers are necessary when replacing shoes or wheel cylinders.

Shop: Brake Spring Pliers Tool
Brake Drum Adjuster Tool
These are also called brake spoons. You could probably get away with using a flat-blade screwdriver, but brake spoons are curved to make it easier to get into the adjuster window.

Shop: Drum Brake Adjusting Tool
Brake Spring Compressor Tool
This is the tool to remove and install drum brake retainer springs. They are also known as brake shoe hold-down tools.
An alternate way to compress and remove the springs is with needle nose pliers, but quite often the springs can be stubborn to remove. Having the correct tool will give you the leverage to remove and install them easily.

Shop: Brake Spring Compressor Tool
Brake Drum Puller
I'll admit it, I've pounded on brake drums with a hammer trying to get them to come off. This should only be a last resort technique, unless you're planning on replacing the drum anyway, since you may ruin the drum for re-use.
A correctly-sized brake drum puller is the best way to remove a stuck brake drum. In addition to removing drums, pullers can also be used to remove hubs and brake rotors.

Shop: Brake Drum Puller Kit
TIP: When trying to remove a stuck brake drum, remember to back off the self-adjusters, or they will continue to hold the shoes to the drum.
Brake Tool Set
Most my brake tools were bought one at a time as needed, but it would have been cheaper if I'd bought them as a set. A nice bonus when you buy a brake drum tool kit is that you usually get a storage case to keep them organized and secure.

Shop: 8-Piece Brake Tool Set
This OTC brake tool kit includes three different brake spoons and several different brake spring tools. Also included is a drum brake adjuster. The plastic storage case is also included.
Brake Line Flaring Tool
Making your own brake lines requires a few specialty tools, most importantly a flaring tool, of which there are three common types. All should come with several dies to accommodate different size lines.
The simple wing-nut style double flaring tool is the most common. It mounts in a vice and sells for about $30 to $50.

Read: How To Make Brake Lines

Titan Flaring Tool
The Titan brake flaring tool allows you to repair brake lines while still on the vehicle, or the handle can be removed and can be mounted in a bench vise. It's easy to use and leaves little room for error.

Shop: Titan 3/16-Inch Double Flaring Tool
The tool creates inverted 45-degree double flares without leaving crimp marks on the line. There is also a stop bolt that takes the guesswork out of measuring how much of line needs to stick out.
The downside of the Titan tool is that it's more expensive than the wing-nut type, and it only does one size line. If you need to make 1/4" brake lines you'll need to order Titan 51515 flaring tool.
Titan also offers a tool that straightens bent or coiled brake lines. It is compact enough to get into tight spaces such as inside an engine compartment or under a car.

Shop: 3/16" Brake Line Straightening Tool
Shop: 1/4" Brake Line Straightening Tool
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